1. Add a Copilot
  2. Remove or change a Copilot’s access level
  3. Act as a Copilot
  4. Forward an email receipt as a Copilot
  5. FAQ
    1. As a Copilot, can I add or remove other Copilots?
    2. How can I tell which actions were taken by a Copilot?
    3. Can I have more than one Copilot?

Add or Act As a Copilot

Copilots can access another Expensify user’s account directly from their own Expensify account to:

  • View all expenses and chats visible from the other user’s account
  • Prepare expenses on their behalf
  • Approve and reimburse expense reports submitted to them
  • View and make changes to their account, domain, and workspace settings

Copilots cannot add additional Copilots.

Add a Copilot

To add a Copilot to your account:

  1. Click your profile icon in the bottom left corner to open Settings
  2. Click Security
  3. Under Copilot: Delegated Access, click Add copilot
  4. Search for the user you’d like to add as a Copilot using their name or email address
  5. Select Full or Limited access
    • Full Access: Grants access to take any actions in your account that you can take. This includes chat, submissions, approvals, payments, and settings. All Copilots (both Full and Limited access) are prevented from adding additional Copilots.
    • Limited Access: Limited access excludes approvals, payments, rejections, and holds.
  6. Click Add Copilot

Note: You can invite someone to be your Copilot who doesn’t have an Expensify account yet. Your invitation will also help them create an account.

Remove or change a Copilot’s access level

To remove a Copilot from your account:

  1. Click your profile icon in the bottom left corner to open Settings
  2. Click Security
  3. Under Copilot: Delegated Access, click the three vertical dots next to the Copilot you’d like to remove, then click Remove Copilot
  4. Click the red Remove Copilot button to confirm removal

To change a Copilot’s access level:

  1. Click your profile icon in the bottom left corner to open Settings
  2. Click Security
  3. Under Copilot: Delegated Access, click the three vertical dots next to the Copilot you’d like to change, then click Change access level
  4. Select Full or Limited access
    • Full Access: Grants access to take any actions in your account that you can take. This includes chat, submissions, approvals, payments, and settings. All Copilots (both Full and Limited access) are prevented from adding additional Copilots.
    • Limited Access: Limited access excludes approvals, payments, rejections, and holds.

Act as a Copilot

Once you have been added as a Copilot, you can switch between the account you’ve been granted Copilot access to and your own account on the Expensify website and mobile app.

To switch accounts:

  1. Click your profile icon in the bottom left corner to open Settings
  2. Click the up-down arrow next to your profile name in the top left corner to access the account switcher
  3. Select the account you’d like to switch to. Each account will show the level of access you’ve been granted.

A dual avatar displays in the bottom left corner to confirm that you are in Copilot mode.

Forward an email receipt as a Copilot

If you have been added to another user’s account as their Copilot, you can forward email receipts to their account from your own email.

  1. Forward the email receipt
  2. Add receipts@expensify.com to the To: field
  3. For the email’s subject line, enter the email address of the account you are a Copilot for. This ensures the receipt is routed to the correct Expensify account.
  4. Send the email


As a Copilot, can I add or remove other Copilots?

No. Copilots are restricted from adding or removing Copilots from other accounts. Only the account owner can add or remove Copilots from their own account. The only exception is that Copilots can remove themselves from another user’s account.

How can I tell which actions were taken by a Copilot?

Any action taken by a Copilot will be displayed as being taken by the Copilot on behalf of the account owner.

Can I have more than one Copilot?

You can assign as many Copilots as you need—there is no limit. However, you can only add one Copilot per minute.

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